Monthly Archives: May 2014

John Medina – Brain Rules DVD

[center] [b]John Medina – Brain Rules DVD[/b] Most of us have no idea what’s really going on inside our heads. Yet brain scientists have uncovered details every business leader, parent, and teacher should know—like the need for physical activity to get your brain working its best. How do we learn? What exactly do sleep and […]

Jonathan Parker – The Pathways to Mastership: In Search of Enlightenment 12 CD Set

[center] [b]Jonathan Parker – The Pathways to Mastership: In Search of Enlightenment 12 CD Set [71 MP3s][/b] The Pathways to Mastership – In Search of Enlightenment Multnomah  ISBN 159052201X 2003 Available format: MP3  966 Mb $98.95 Pathways to Mastership provides unparalleled inspiration and an opportunity to deepen your understanding of your spiritual quest and the […]

Joe Sugarman – Triggers

[center] [b]Joe Sugarman – Triggers [PDF][/b] If you have ever heard of Joe Sugarman, you don’t need to read any further. This is a must have for writing great copy. Joe Sugarman – Triggers 89 pages 29 Psychological Triggers you can use in your marketing, sales and copywriting. This book is highly recommended by top […]

Jonathan Parker – Build a Winning Self-Image Cassettes

[center] [b]Jonathan Parker – Build a Winning Self-Image Cassettes [18 MP3 & 9 OGG][/b] The first 18 sessions are in MP3 56kbps [decent listening through headphones for talk]…  The last 9 are in OGG, and I feel they have a higher/better quality at 173- 200+ VBR [+ or – non-constant bitrate] due to the integrity […]

John Carlton – The Entrepreneur’s Guide To Getting Your Shit Together

[center] [b]John Carlton – The Entrepreneur’s Guide To Getting Your Shit Together [ePub][/b] As soon as the Web became viable for entrepreneur marketers in the early 2000’s, John Carlton surfaced as the go-to teacher for writing everything required to find prospects and persuade them to become eager customers… … as well as being The Dude […]

Jordan Belfort – Straight Line Persuasion System (Compressed)

[center] [b]Jordan Belfort – Straight Line Persuasion System (Compressed) [10 MP4s, 10 CDs – MP3s, 2 PDFs][/b] The Straight Line Persuasion System was created by Jordan Belfort. Straight line persuasion is a pioneering multimedia home study course that guarantees immediate and lasting results. Jordan Belfort, one of the world’s top performing salesperson turned coach, created […]

Kenneth Roman and Joel Raphaelson – Writing that works

[center] [b]Kenneth Roman and Joel Raphaelson – Writing that works [PDF][/b] Writing That Works will help you say what you want to say, with less difficulty and more confidence. Now in its third edition, this completely updated classic has been expanded to included all new advice on e-mail and the e-writing world, plus a fresh […]

L. Michael Hall, Bobby G. Bodenhamer – Mastering Your Fears

[center] [b]L. Michael Hall, Bobby G. Bodenhamer – Mastering Your Fears [PDF][/b] Description: Fear stops so many people from finding their passion and following that passion in their professional careers and personal lives. Why? Because they let fear have the last word. Because they take the wrong counsel from fear. Because they have not learned […]

L. Michael Hall and Bob Bodenhamer – Figuring Out People

[center] [b]L. Michael Hall and Bob Bodenhamer – Figuring Out People [ebook – 1PDF][/b] This book contains all you ever wanted to know about Meta-programs, the tools by which we can evaluate how people function! First it provides an in-depth explanation of the Meta-programming technique, and then furnishes fifty-one examples of Meta-programs. It thus provides […]

InvestorsLive DVD – Nathan Michaud

InvestorsLive DVD – Nathan Michaud Price: $997.00 Sale page: It’s been over three years in the making and is by far the most comprehensive trading education product available today. Condensed into eight hours, I am confident your path to consistency will be sped up exponentially and learning curve will be more than cut in […]

Michael Fortin – (The Copy Doctor) Sales Letter Critiques

[center] [b]Michael Fortin – (The Copy Doctor) Sales Letter Critiques [22 Critiques SWF Format][/b] Success Chef Cookbook is a series of lessons that explains some of the core concepts taught in Success Chef University. This one, The Copy Doctor, explores copywriting, which is a component in step #3 of Success Chef’s famous four-step process (i.e., […]

Michel Fortin – How To Write Profit Pulling Copy In 3 Simple Steps

[center] [b]Michel Fortin – How To Write Profit Pulling Copy In 3 Simple Steps [ 3 Hour .AVI Seminar] HD[/b] This Stuff Is Timeless. A Million-Dollar Copywriter’s Highly Coveted Copy-writing And Conversion Secrets Shared During A Recent, Closed-Door, 3-Hour Seminar All Recorded On 2 Power-Packed DVDs.” “Clients Pay Michel Fortin Up To $15,000.00 To Write […]

Power Studying – Memory Course 2nd Chance

Power Studying – Memory Course 2nd Chance [center][img][/img] [code] [/code] [b][color=red]Purchase premium accounts in order to enjoy unlimited downloads with resuming support ***If link dead, please leave a message, we will update immediately***[/color][/b] [/center] [subscribe2]

Paul Scheele – Natural Brilliance

[center] [b]Paul Scheele – Natural Brilliance [12MP3 +2 PDF][/b] How to successfully overcome any challenge…at will A new breakthrough allows this guaranteed claim. It is worth your look right now. If you have ever said: “I want to push forward and succeed, but it doesn’t happen the way I want.” Then, someone took your genius […]

Secret Selling System- Perry Belcher

[center] [b]Secret Selling System- Perry Belcher [28 MP4 + 9 PDF + 2 RTF][/b] On the first day you and Perry will create the perfect picth for your product following his tested and proven 21 step pitch formula.  You’ll learn one step, write, then review with Perry, your peers and other professional copywriters Perry has […]